Lil Wayne has been a pretty omnipresent figure in American popular music for about the past six years or so, and I think its officially time that we move on to the next talentless hack. Seriously guys, this ones getting stale, its time to bring in the 2013 models who can also hail themselves as the "best rappers alive" and lower the bar even more until the bar descends into the bowels of Tarterus and melts.

                There is very little new which can be said about "I Am Not a Human Being II". It indisputably sounds like everything else Lil Wayne has done. The tired boring flow is there, the casual misogyny is there, the obnoxious self aggrandizement is there,  nothing of the classic Wayne formula that has made him loathed by people with firing brain cells over the past ten years and apparently loved by the American public is absent from this release.

                For me the most notable achievement of this particular album if I recall correctly it is one of the first albums I've reviewed that forced me to quit half way through. I can take a lot of musical punishment, but the sheer level of stupidity and awfullness I was dealing with here proved too potent even for the likes of me. If nothing else being even less tolerable than LMFAO and Hollywood Undead has to be some sort of accomplishment.

                But perhaps I'm being too harsh, there has to be something nice to say about this vacuous waste of pro-tools tracks and studio time right? Well....uh....the piano in the opening track IANAHB is actually pretty dramatic and well performed. It actually makes for a decent instrumental track, and I'm sure an artist with something resembling the tiniest fucking modicum of talent could have done something cool with it. Alas we are dealing with young Weezy here, so instead we get a song which starts with the line "I'm in the crib butt naked bitch, she said my dick could be the next black president". So no, the song still sucks more than a pleasure-bot which started life as a vacume cleaner. The third track "Days and Days" also manages to bring rapper 2 Chainz and Lil Wayne together at last, which HAS to be some sort of awfulness singularity.

                Thinking about it however, there is one serious contribution this album makes to the world, particularly snobs for like me. This serves as a veritable dissertation on everything wrong, stupid, and utterly fucking backwards about mainstream rap. "IANAHBII" is a loathsome piece of trash composed mainly of uber-macho boasting, calling women ho's, bragging about having vast quantities of weed, and talking about shooting people. It mistakes vulgarity and misogyny for wit and was created by a vapid 25 year old millionaire of sub-human intelligence who covers his teeth in diamonds. Calling this album a piece of vile pedestrian trash would be an insult to other vile pedestrian trash.

                The main conclusion I came to upon giving up on any attempt to finish listening to this album is that Lil Wayne is seriously in need of a series of pummellings to the general face area. Perhaps we will be lucky and this will result in some sort of serious brain trauma preventing him from "contributing" any more of his musical excrement to the media in the future, but one can only wish. For now I'm still holding out hope that with his current health problems he'll make good on some of the rumors of his retirement and I'll never have to give his body of work a second thought. Unfortunately, this seems unlikely, and much like a herpes virus on the crotch of the music industry, he will return again and continue to serve as an embarrassing irritating blight.